yezza mcm y ak ltak as title 4 the entry,,
klu ade k'kosongan u part timer mcm ak slame 4bln..blh ak calling2 ak u ak m'nyelit eh!!
adoiyai.. kerja..kerja..kerja..
ari tu ak dok tanye taska & tadika.. dorg mmg ade je ksong tp u part time x d'galak kn..
why? b'coz the scope of job related internally with the kids,,
they are very sensitives plus they will close & loved their babysitter..
especially good babysitter lah!
the problem is when babysitter's times up! back to the real world as student..
they will feel like losing mummy! then ape lg kn.. m'ragam day & night.
so thats the reason why part time is not encourage for this job.
then ade gkla ak usha2 laundry kt area aku ni..
mmg ade k'kosangan gk...
tp same gk..they are loking for full time workers!
so automatically i'am disqualified! kuang kuang kuang.
ade gk dpt offer jd personal assistant..
scope of job included as babysitter!
huhu..btol2 ny personal assistant ni..
ank die bru 2taun..n sorg jewk!!
more to done her proposal n everything lah office work die..
gaji blh thn la 900++ based oh performance n kt msjid tnh je..
i can drive by my no transportation problem..
bru je rase mcm nk kije dgn madam tu die ckp location has been transfered to ampang!'s give me problem coz i want to work but stay at my home!
if ampang, i need to stay with mak june (my 2nd mom)
plus, i'm no a good driver at KL..ade y sesat angkara jalan KL y mcm ulau melengkau atas pagau *bhase melaka
hoo.. so t'paksa lah m'batal kn niat y b'kobar2 tuh.
hoo..ade gk usha kt cosway..
confirm best kije cosway.. dlm aircond lg tuh kn..
tp sayang....ak lambat seminggu plak kn..!
bru je bdak part time msok kije..
adoh..knp la mse lpas blk je dr uitm ri tu ak x singgah tanye kn.. mesti dpt ak kije sane kn?? tu xde rezeki nme ny.. sipi2 rezeki pown xde.. huhu
antare kije2 len y ak dpt
1. promoter celcom broadband
2.MLM ntah ape k jadah ny ntah
3. juru taip dr umah y ntah btol k x.
x d'nafi kn la.. faktor kawasan ak ni y payah nk cr kije...
hmm cerok btollah kuala ni!
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